Friday, September 21, 2007


Perth .NET User Group Meeting, October 4th: Visual Studio 2008

Join us at the Perth .NET Users Group October 4th to hear Nick Randolph present on the upcoming version of Visual Studio 2008. In this session, Nick will cover some of the language changes, including Linq, extension methods, anonymous types and xml integration, as well as some of the rapid application development features. Nick is a Microsoft MVP, and currently the lead developer for Intilecta Corporation, an ISV innovating in the area of behavioral intelligence and data visualisation. More details here: Visual Studio 2008: Languages, Features and Frameworks with Nick Randolph

TOPIC: Visual Studio 2008 with Nick Randolph
DATE: 4th October, 5:30pm
VENUE: Excom, Level 2, 23 Barrack Street, Perth
COST: Free. All Welcome.

There will be a couple of (as yet unspecified) give aways! If you want to get a seat, try to arrive early. Also, don't forget we have a weekly informal coffee meeting at "Tiger Tiger", Tuesdays at 1:30pm in the city.


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